Social media marketing

Why is social media good for communication?

Social media can be a great way for people to communicate. This article will explore how social media has shaped how people and businesses communicate. So, let’s learn about social media and communication and also learn how you can buy IG video views through ViralGrowing.

Social Media Can Help People Worldwide Communicate

Some people may remember a time before the internet became mainstream and how difficult it was to communicate internationally. International communications took the form of letter writing or expensive calls.

Now, people from around the world can communicate with each other, helping us understand our differences and what makes us similar. While some culture clashes do happen, many people have reached common ground and even made friends from across the world.

Social Media Can Break Language Barriers

One challenge with worldwide communication is the language barrier between countries whose native tongues are different. Most social media platforms have ways to translate a person’s posts or messages with the click of a button. In fact, in the age of AI, many social media platforms have integrated widgets to help translate automatically and in real-time.

Sure, translators aren’t perfect, but they are improving each year. With that said, if something seems off with a translation, assume that the translator is missing context and that the person writing the comment meant no harm. Be mindful that these tools are not perfect and never will be.

Social Media Breaks the News Much Faster

Social media makes it much easier to communicate information as it comes along. If something happens in the world, you don’t need to wait for tomorrow to hear about it. You can see a story develop in real-time, which can keep you informed. Sometimes, the story may be of local precedence. For example, if there is severe weather in your area, social media can help you decide if you should evacuate or move to a shelter.

It Helps Businesses Reach Their Audience

Another benefit of social media is that businesses can reach their audience. Through a robust content strategy and by studying the target audience, companies can find people who are interested in their products or services. Many social media websites also have ads, which allow businesses to advertise their products or services to a targeted audience.

Helps Customers Communicate With Businesses

On the other hand, customers can contact a business if they have any questions, concerns, or complaints. Most social media websites have a message button, which lets customers reach out without needing to call or set up an appointment to communicate. Alternatively, businesses may include a way to contact them in their bio.

It’s Easier to Pay a Business

Social media has made business transactions much easier. Some social media platforms have payment built-in, helping a customer pay for a product or service. Through messaging, a business can also give ways on how to pay for their products. With that said, always pay a company through a trusted payment method. For example, if someone asks you to send money on PayPal as a friend, that may be a red flag.

It Helps Shine a Light on the World’s Injustices

Another way that social media has helped people is that it lets the most vulnerable in society speak about their injustices to bring awareness to a broader audience. In recent years, many activist movements have sprung up from social media as they change the world for the better, or at least motivate people to change the world.

It Builds Community

Social media can also help build a community. Some communities consist of people who enjoy a similar hobby. Others consist of fans of an artist. Community can be a great way to meet new friends and share your thoughts about whatever it is you like.

How Social Media is Bad for Communication

It’s also worth mentioning some drawbacks to using social media for communication. Let’s look at some common disadvantages and how to avoid them.

Social Media Can Promote Urgency With Communication

Social media makes some people feel like everyone has to respond immediately, 24 hours a day, but this is not good practice. Sometimes, you may need some space. Other times, you may be asked a question where your response needs to be well-thought out. It doesn’t help that many social media websites will tell people if the recipient has seen their messages.

One way to avoid this is to set clear boundaries. If you’re a business, having an automated message saying that their message will be answered when someone is available can help. If something requires a lengthy response, tell your audience that you’re working on one.


It’s always possible for someone to share a post that isn’t true. This happens a lot when a story is developing, and there are conflicting reports. Not to mention that some bad actors will use social media to spread disinformation using image manipulation, AI, or other tactics.

On social media, it’s always a good idea to fact-check what you share. If you share something that’s not true, retract it and correct the record.

Outrage and Brigading

Social media can create outrage and negativity. Sometimes, this outrage can lead to people attacking someone who may be innocent. This is because social media is seen as a release valve for some people, and the anonymity and separation between other people can lead to some users saying things they would never say in real life. If you feel outraged on social media, it’s time to change who you follow and take a break.

Final Thoughts

Overall, social media has revolutionized communication for the better. It lets people worldwide talk to one another, create communities, and help to spread causes. Social media is also great for businesses, being an affordable marketing tool.

That said, social media does have its drawbacks. Always be skeptical about what you read on social media and avoid falling into the outrage machine. We hope this article was helpful to you.

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