biophilic office

Why Are Biophilic Office Designs Important?

The importance of working in an environment that promotes employee wellness cannot be ignored. Businesses can achieve this by designing a biophilic office. This design integrates various elements that transform an ordinary office space into a haven.

Biophilic offices are based on claims that employee overall wellness improves when they connect with nature. Having elements in the office that mimic nature improves office appearance and enhances employee well-being.

What is Biophilic Office Design?

The core of this design is to bring nature into working spaces. Interior designers can help businesses achieve this in the following three main ways:

  • Direct nature: This involves integrating biophilic elements directly into the working environment. This might include maximizing natural light, introducing indoor plants, or water features like ponds and fountains. These elements create a calming effect, which increases overall attractiveness of the space and reduces employee stress.
  • Indirect nature: It involves using materials or elements that evoke some connection to nature. Simple ways of achieving this include using natural materials and nature-inspired colors. The office space can also be designed to provide natural views of the outdoors.
  • Experience of space and place: This third method involves creating office spaces that offer sensory variability. For instance, businesses can design workspaces that change with dynamic light or include scents that activate human rights.

How to Implement Biophilic Design in Modern Spaces

Implementing biophilic design in modern offices requires a strategic approach. Businesses should not only focus on integrating natural elements but also encourage a culture that values these elements. Below are a few strategies for bringing biophilic design into modern office spaces:

1. Maximize Natural Light

Lighting is the easiest way of integrating biophilic design into your office environment. Businesses can introduce lighting into their offices through architectural design or by adjusting their interior layout. A simple option is designing buildings with large windows or installing skylights to maximize natural light penetration. The building should also be aligned to ensure it receives sunlight most hours of the day.

Buildings with limited natural light can make structural changes of their interior layout to maximize light. For instance, opting for open floor plans allows light to travel deeper into office space. This eliminates partitions that block light. Similarly, light-reflective surfaces like light-colored walls and ceilings can help reflect natural light and enhance distribution in the office.

2. Add Some Greenery

The second easiest way of achieving a biophilic office is incorporating some greenery. However, this doesn’t mean bringing in all types of plants. You should choose plant varieties that are perfect for indoor conditions. Ferns, succulents, and air-purifiers like snake plants are excellent options. Note that placement is also crucial. Position them where they can thrive perfectly, while providing the most benefits.

You can also choose green walls and vertical gardens. Installing living walls in the lobbies or along corridors creates perfect visual features. On the other hand, vertical gardening is perfect for offices with smaller spaces.

3. Use Natural Materials and Colors

Businesses can also introduce biophilic designs using natural materials and colors. Natural materials are aesthetically pleasing. They are perfect for the floor and as decorative elements in the office. Complement these materials with natural color palettes like greens, blues, and earthy tones. Offices, restaurants, lounges, and casinos should consult interior design experts like I-5 Design Build to improve their space using these colors.

4. Install Water Features

Water features are also perfect for creating a biophilic environment. Fortunately, you don’t have to invest heavily to achieve this. Simple installations, like a fountain and water wall, provide soothing auditory experiences. You should place them in communal areas to create focal points. The only challenge brought by water features is they are difficult to maintain. They should be regularly maintained to avoid issues like algae growth.

Benefits of Biophilic Office Designs

The benefits of biophilic office design go beyond visual appeal. It significantly transforms office environments, promoting employee well-being, productivity, and satisfaction. Below are some benefits of this design:

  • Enhanced Employee Health and Well-being

Biophilic designs improve mood while reducing stress levels. Natural elements promote positive emotional responses. Those who work in these environments report higher levels of happiness and satisfaction. This creates a positive workplace culture and boosts employee morale.

Similarly, direct exposure to nature, be it through direct elements like plants, or indirect, significantly lowers stress levels. Several studies have shown that nature views reduce chemical markers of stress like high heart rate and blood pressure.

  • Improved Productivity

Biophilic office designs also increase employee productivity. For starters, it enhances their concentration and focus. Views of nature are also thought to improve attention and concentration. This explains why employees with views of greenery tend to excel in tasks that need focus and attention.

These office environments also improve productivity by enhancing creativity. Nature is a good source of inspiration. Employees working in an environment that has natural elements can easily come up with innovative ideas and creative solutions. These elements keep the mind engaged and stimulated.

  • Attract and Retain Talent

Businesses should also use biophilic office designs to attract and retain talent. Most modern employees, especially Gen Z, prefer desirable work environments. As a result, they find offices with these adjustments more attractive, especially to employees who value work-life balance and general well-being.

Employees who feel satisfied and find their work environment conducive will most likely stay longer. Besides attracting top talent, biophilic offices make it easy for businesses to retain skilled professionals.

  • Economic Benefits

Biophilic designs also offer economic benefits to businesses. This design includes the use of energy-efficient elements like natural light and water features. Remodeling your office to allow more natural light reduces reliance on artificial light. Similarly, water features have a cooling effect, reducing the work of HVAC units. This reduces energy costs and boosts sustainability. Health employees also mean low health-related expenses incurred by the business.


Biophilic design has become an important element in modern office spaces. It seamlessly merges the natural world with built working environments for a healthier and more productive workplace. Integrating natural light, water features, and greenery into your work environment enhances employee well-being and cognitive function. It also boosts creativity and productivity.

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