coworking space

The Surprising Benefits of Coworking Spaces

Whether you’re a business owner or a freelancer, everyone needs a space to work that encourages productivity. Business owners can lease or purchase space for their space, but what about your remote workforce? They also need a space devoted to work. 

Freelancers also need a creative space, especially when they’re not in the same area as their employer. This is when coworking spaces can come into play. However, the benefits of coworking spaces don’t stop at ensuring everyone has a place to work.

The Benefits of Coworking Spaces

Okay, so you already know coworking spaces give everyone a place to sit down and concentrate on their work. This alone is a huge benefit, but it’s not the only reason you may want to consider investing in one or more of these spaces.

If the thought of another investment has you panicking, don’t worry. Another benefit of these spaces is flexibility. You can find coworking spaces that only charge for as long as you need to use the accommodations. 

So, if you only need the space for a few hours, no problem—the same applies if you need to rent the space for a few days or months.

Allows For a Flexible Work Schedule

Not everyone can keep to a 9 to 5 work schedule. Life can get in the way. If it’s a freelancer, they often have other clients and may not be able to complete all work-related tasks during the standard 8-hour business day.

You can allow unfinished tasks to get pushed to the next day. However, this also creates a backlog. Staff is continuously trying to get caught up, and this isn’t always possible. If a business closes its office around 5 pm every day, employees may never feel like they’re on top of everything on their plate.

Coworking spaces typically offer 24-hour access. Workers can come and go as they please. If a task isn’t finished by the end of the business day, no worries, they’re not being pushed out of the building. Employees can also more easily take control of their work-life balance. If they need to rush and run an errand, they can check back into the coworking space to complete their task.

Significant Cost Savings

This benefit typically applies to businesses with remote and hybrid staff. You can always lease office space in an office building for employees located farther away from your primary business center. If you have staff in a variety of locations, ensuring they have office space can quickly become expensive. Depending on the organization’s size, you may have office space in multiple cities or even countries.

While leasing or buying an office building may make sense if you have a full staff, it’s not the same when there are only a few employees at the location. Leasing a coworking space allows you to only pay for what you need, whether it’s one or multiple desks. 

Best of all, coworking spaces come with amenities like high-speed internet, printing services, and onsite support to further reduce your operating costs. In essence, you’re only paying for what you need and this can significantly decrease your operating costs.

Improve Productivity

Whether you’re a freelancer or a business owner, productivity is more than a buzzword. Business owners want to get the most out of their staff for the money. Freelancers want to deliver projects on time to help shore up their resumes and potential future earnings.

Trying to be and stay productive at a coffee shop, café, or other public space isn’t always easy. There always seem to be plenty of distractions. Using a coworking space eliminates most distractions, allowing productivity to increase. 

From researching information online to crafting content and building spreadsheets, coworking spaces offer the same environment as a dedicated office space. Sometimes, coworking spaces are even designed to encourage productivity.

Cultivate Collaboration and Create Networking Opportunities

Freelancers can always benefit from expanding their contact networks, which is often where they find their next gig. If nothing else, networking can help improve a resume. 

Freelancers and businesses can also benefit from the opportunity to collaborate with others. You may come up with an exciting marketing campaign or even have the opportunity to connect with a competitor.

Some coworking spaces even take things a step further by holding events to encourage networking and collaboration. If you’re still on the fence about whether a coworking space is the right move for you or your business, the benefits typically outweigh any potential downsides. 

You have an affordable space to work, complete with all the necessary amenities, and may even have the opportunity to connect with others in your industry.

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