The Importance of Data Security in Today’s Digital Age

It’s safe to say that the entire planet has become completely addicted to the online world, because, according to various reports, an average person spends around six to seven hours on the web on a daily basis.

After all, it doesn’t matter whether that’s too much or not, the reality is that that’s the current situation and that the world can expect an increase in the next couple of years as far as this is concerned.

Although there’s no denying that the internet world is very interesting and thrilling, what you need to remember is that it is also full of cyber threats as well. Luckily, there are many things that both people and businesses can do to properly safeguard themselves and their data. If you want to uncover them, then just keep reading and you will!

You Need To Encrypt Your Data

There’s a common misconception that data encryption is very complex and intended solely for those who are familiar with every aspect of the internet, and technology in general, however, that’s really not the case. 

Fortunately, there are different tools today that you can employ that are going to help you encrypt various pieces of information, such as the ones you receive in emails. Back in the day, only the ones who were perceived as “computer geeks” were able to use it effectively, however, the situation has changed dramatically in the past few years.

For instance, you can utilize GPG (which is an open-source plug-in) to decrypt, encrypt, and verify emails. Also, if you want to protect your files, you can do so by opting for FileVault (this can only be done by people who use the Apple operating system) which represents the program that is able to encrypt the hard drive of a computer.

On the flip side, if you have Microsoft Windows, then you can use other programs that are similar to this one. Just bear in mind that they are not going to safeguard you from government authorities asking for your encryption key under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act.

Have You Heard Of Data Access Governance?

If you’ve never heard of this term before, then we will further dive into this topic. Namely, the main purpose of an efficient data access governance is to uncover and address various threats that may arise online, such as non-malicious and malicious ones. It plays an integral role in making sure that data is utilized the right way, and that it’s safeguarded from unauthorized access, which can oftentimes result in data loss.

Besides all of this, data access governance may include privacy policy implementation, risk evaluation, uncovering and classifying sensitive data, and supervising access to crucial assets. Now, you may wonder who can benefit from this.

Namely, it can be deployed by companies of various types, that want to store mission-crucial data that must be secured from unauthorized access. Since it is capable of addressing data security and privacy regulations, it comes as no surprise that a vast majority of organizations these days utilize it, like insurance, pharmaceutical companies, healthcare institutions, banking and financial services, and many others.

Your Passwords Shouldn’t Be Saved On Your Browsers

A lot of people have the tendency to store all their passwords on their browsers because this option is very convenient for them because then, they are not obligated to memorize anything. Although that surely is very practical, you need to remember that, if by any chance, you lose any of your devices, or they get stolen, those who have them are going to be able to easily access all of your accounts, which means that your passwords are going to be stolen too.

If you want to prevent this from happening, then one of the best things that you can do is to disable automatic password storing, and, concurrently, delete every single password that’s been stored so far.

Additionally, if you think that the autofill option is also very convenient for you, then the least thing you can do is utilize the right password manager to store all your passwords in a safe way. What’s the purpose of the password managers?

Namely, they are here to allow you to store all your passwords in one location only and lock them by using a password. Luckily, most of these tools are compatible with various devices, which means that you can utilize them on both computers and smartphones.

Use Passwords To Protect Everything Online

Speaking of passwords, they are one of the best layers of protection against a variety of different threats on the internet. When it comes to businesses, they are practically obligated to employ them in order to comply with numerous rules and regulations, like the compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation.

As concluded previously, passwords are one of the most effective layers of protection, and if you combine them with other types of security measures, then you will ensure your sensitive data is even more safeguarded, which is essential not only for firms but for people as well.

If you want to be sure you have properly protected your data, then you should utilize various methods, such as a rigorous password policy to make sure that all your workers create passwords that are difficult to crack. 

Use Only Secure Network

Whenever you connect on the web, you need to ensure that you utilize a secure network. That’s particularly pivotal if you are having some transactions or adding information that’s confidential. In these instances, it’s essential to stay away from networks that are defined as unsecured or public.

That’s because all of them are prone to a variety of different cyberattacks. Instead, it would be much better to employ Virtual Private Network to encrypt your data, and, at the same time, safeguard your privacy. 

A lot of companies nowadays resort to VPN because it is able to offer them safe and encrypted connection, which means that hardly any hacker will be able to easily access their personal information.

We cannot stress enough how essential your personal data is and since it is, unfortunately, susceptible to numerous online threats, it’s of huge importance to implement some of these preventative measures to ensure nobody steals it.

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