Customer service experience

Improving Your Relationship With Customers


There’s a good chance you have worked at a job in which the importance of “people skills” and customer satisfaction was stressed by your higher-ups. There is good reason for employers to place value on such aspects because when it boils down to it, a business’ relationship with customers is the backbone of its very existence.

It can be easy to get preoccupied and start to let shinier things like a cool new logo or fancy new webpage take precedence over the essentials. While these things may help, it’s important to understand that relationships are paramount to your success. Forging good relationships will expedite your business success into realms that can quite frankly surprise you.

Below, we will explore ways to cultivate and maintain positive impact and relations with customers.

Be Systematic

Developing a system for handling customers may take a bit of time, but having one is of utmost importance. It ensures that a plan is in place regardless of the situation, whether it be an unsatisfied customer, dwindling retention, or anything else. Few things are worse than encountering a situation with an angry customer and not having a procedure in place, leaving you improvising while juggling all of the other administrative duties.

Consider employing the use of regular email newsletters, which will keep you in the minds of customers. Email marketing has a proven track record of increasing the likelihood of customer retention. If a customer buys your product or service and then never hears from you again, it can be easy for them to forget about you entirely.

Another effective strategy could be looking for feedback after your exchange. Look over example survey questions to get an idea for valuable and pertinent information. Have an email with a survey or opportunity for feedback and you will receive guidance to show you what your strengths and weaknesses are.

Let Them Know They Are Important

Many businesses find success by going the extra mile and making the customer feel special. You might be surprised how far small gestures like a specially designed Christmas card go to humanize your brand and make customers feel valued. This is not merely a psychological manipulation either – these people are important to you, and so it makes sense that you convey that.

Never Underestimate Quality Customer Service

Cafe Handshake

You likely hear this point stressed often, but some maxims are worth repeating. Customer service should regard customer satisfaction as the most valuable part of the equation. If they complain about something, make it right. Make sure you are responsive, expressive of sympathy, and quick to act. This can help you avert disaster and drastically improve the likelihood that they will return.

Even the most furious of customers can often be charmed by kindness and understanding. Depending on the severity of the error, this may involve going above and beyond, but remember that the future of your business is predicated on their happiness.

Use Social Media

Smart Phone Social Media

There are a host of benefits to be had from a vibrant social media presence. Social media outlets allow for an unprecedented level of customer communication and feedback, while also conferring the familiarity benefits of increased exposure. Once upon a time, having a simple website was enough, but to keep up with competition today means embracing social media wholeheartedly.

Social media like Instagram and Facebook employ algorithms which decide the relative prominence of content. Increasing interaction via replies or comments helps to bolster your standing, and attain greater visibility.

Social media analytics also provide a bounty of value for the savvy business-runner. This data provides useful information in regard to what gets people’s attention and what people find unappealing. Facebook and Twitter show you these trends and allow you to configure your approach appropriately.

Reaching out to influencers can also be a good strategy to build rapport with well-known entities and further craft the aesthetic of your brand. If your business caters to a certain age-group for example, try to affiliate yourself with brands or Smart Phone socialcelebrities affiliated with the same demographic.

Craft A Clear And Distinct Identity

Clear idea

The internet offers tremendous potential, but many brands get lost in the sea of other entities. Observe other websites or social media accounts and take note of what you like and what you dislike. This will help you learn how to curate your brand to your liking. If you happen to have photography skills, maybe this can work to improve your online image. If you value quick wit, you may want to emulate something akin to the Wendy’s Twitter.

You should also be articulate and consistent in what exactly your business has to offer. Perhaps consider a logo or using common colors across your website or various platforms to create a sense of cohesion for your brand. This will allow customers to easily identify and familiarize themselves with your brand.

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