How to Make Your Office Stand Out: 6 Practical Decoration Tips

Like many, your office space is where you spend most of your time; its overall appeal and ambiance can affect your mood, performance, and productivity. The better your office space, the better the morale of all the employees, plus you’ll leave a long-lasting impression on your clients.

Your office space reflects your company’s values, culture, and professionalism. It may be difficult, but with a bit of luck, time, and effort, you can easily achieve the perfect balance between functionality and aesthetic appeal. In the text below, we’ll discuss some tips and tricks to achieve that and ensure your office space lives up to everyone’s expectations. 

Embrace a Cohesive Color Scheme

It has been a known fact that color and color schemes correlate with mood and can affect your overall mental well-being and productivity levels. For example, the colors red, yellow, and orange fall under the category of warm colors and have been associated with energy and happiness. 

Darker or colder colors such as violet, blue, and green have a more soothing effect and lean in a different direction. The next thing to consider is cohesive color schemes or, in other words, the proper layering of color in your office. These cohesive color schemes affect the mood and add aesthetic appeal to the office. First, use a proper base color that reflects your company’s brand and ethos. Blue correlates with calmness and professionalism, while green and different shades of green are associated with creativity. The next thing to consider is balancing the base color with some complementary colors to create a mosaic-like appearance and a nice moody scheme. You’ll get a nice and balanced look, and these color schemes might be just what your workers need to boost motivation. 

Incorporate Functional Furniture

Functionality in a workplace should be the highest priority and sometimes has precedence over style, though with a bit of luck and effort, these two things can be balanced nicely. 

Newer and modern office furniture can be both practical and comfortable while maintaining a nice and appealing look. You just need to know where to look and how. You can always look for local companies and providers with a long-standing tradition, great reviews, and excellent customer service. For example, a simple search for office furniture in Orlando or any other city will offer you a variety of possibilities and options. The reason why we believe it’s better to go to retailers who offer new furniture, as opposed to online markets offering maybe second-hand furniture for double the price, is due to factors such as warranty and reassurance from the company when it comes to the quality of the furniture itself. Usually, these companies have several different models to choose from, but you’ll also get professional counseling, transportation, and great discounts to even out the expenses. 

Then again, while deciding on new furniture, you’ll have to think of several factors. Opt for ergonomic chairs and desks to ensure comfort and proper support. Modular furniture offers you some flexibility when you want to move things in your office or redo it. Some pieces of furniture, like conference tables, should be statement pieces, and paying extra pays itself off in the long run. 

Add Greenery and Natural Elements

Greenery in the office has several practical functions besides giving the whole room a special feel and creating a beautiful ambiance. Greenery has been proven to change mood for the better; it alleviates oxygen levels, reduces stress, and increases overall happiness. Yet, keep in mind it’s still an office, so opting for low-maintenance plants should be your first choice. Go for plants like succulents, snake plants, or peace lilies. In harmony with the plants, you can go for other natural elements such as wooden desks, shelves, decorative bamboo, and stones. All this creates a pleasing aura and a harmonious environment. 

Showcase Artwork and Personal Touches

Art pieces and artwork can improve the overall value of your office space, leave a special mark on all the clients coming in, and change the whole “vibe” of the workplace for the better. Select pieces that resonate with your values and ethos. Ensure the art aligns with the message your brand is sending. Another great thing is going local, and looking for pieces by artists near you, creating a strong and supportive community. You’ll show that you care and want to create a meaningful relationship. You can also allow your employees to do the same and give them the freedom to incorporate some unique and special pieces of decor. 

Utilize Smart Technology and Innovative Design

Implementing innovations can make your company stand out on the market as a company that follows new trends and is forward-thinking. Smart lighting systems adjust accordingly, depending on whether it’s day or night. Then, we have interactive whiteboards and wireless charging stations for phones, laptops, and tablets. You can streamline most of the company’s processes, making it easier for the employees, impressing potential investors, and saving money and time by becoming a more efficient and smooth-running operation. Besides these new tech gadgets and tools, you can also implement some new approaches to the overall design of the surrounding space. For example, open spaces are better for collaboration, lounges for the employees to have a place to discuss ideas and have some free time, and coffee points to get that needed sip of energy. 

Think of Lightning 

Light plays a crucial role, as it creates the whole ambiance of the workplace. Plus, we now know how important the effects of light are on mood and overall mental well-being. The light should be mostly natural; Sunlight is a must, but of course, if you have to use artificial light, go for warmer colors that mimic natural lighting. Dimmable lights are one idea, as they change during the day, and also stylish fixtures across and in between desks, on the shelves, and around different decor. 

On average, we spend a third of each working day in the office. It is our second home, and for good reason. The more it feels like home, the more motivated people are to do their jobs efficiently and enthusiastically. Once you create an environment that is supportive and cozy, everyone just might not feel the need to rush back home after the clock strikes five!

If you are looking for an office space, OfficeFinder can help. Contact us today to find out more. No obligation and our services are FREE.

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