How to Make Espresso Like a Pro at the Office

Are you an espresso lover like me who wishes you could make café-quality espresso in your office? Making a great espresso isn’t just for baristas in fancy coffee shops. As a barista for over 5 years, I’ll share with you 15 tips and tricks to make flavorful espresso right in your office.

Measure Your Coffee

Using the right amount of coffee is key to making a good espresso. A standard single shot uses about 7-9 grams of coffee, and a double shot uses 14-18 grams. Using a digital scale can help you measure the coffee accurately every time. Too much or too little coffee can mess up the flavor and strength of your espresso.

Perfect Your Tamping

Tamping is the process of pressing the coffee grounds evenly into the portafilter (the basket where the coffee goes in the espresso machine). A good tamp ensures that the water flows through the coffee evenly, extracting the flavors properly. To tamp, apply firm and even pressure. If you don’t tamp evenly, the water won’t flow through the coffee evenly, leading to an uneven extraction and a less tasty espresso.

Preheat Your Equipment

Before you start brewing, make sure your office espresso machine, portafilter, and cup are preheated. A cold machine or cup can cool down your espresso, making it less enjoyable. Run hot water through the machine and the portafilter before brewing. You can also heat your cup by filling it with hot water and letting it sit for a minute. This step helps maintain the temperature of your espresso, ensuring a better flavor.

Adjust the Timing

The timing of your espresso shot is important. A good shot should take about 25-30 seconds to brew. If it takes too long, your coffee might be ground too fine or tamped too hard. If it brews too quickly, the grind might be too coarse or tamped too lightly. Adjust your grind size and tamping pressure until you get the right timing. This will help you achieve the perfect balance of flavors.

Choose the Right Coffee Beans

One of the most important steps in making a great espresso is selecting the right beans. Always use fresh, high-quality coffee beans. Fresh beans will have more flavor and aroma compared to older ones. Look for beans that have been roasted recently—within the past month is ideal. Once you have your beans, store them in an airtight container to keep them fresh. This prevents exposure to air and light, which can make your coffee taste stale.

Grind Your Beans Fresh

Grinding your beans just before brewing is crucial for making a flavorful espresso. Invest in a burr grinder if you can. Burr grinders produce a consistent grind size, which is important for a balanced espresso. The grind size for espresso should be fine, similar to table salt. If your grind is too coarse, the water will flow through too quickly, resulting in weak coffee. If it’s too fine, the water will struggle to pass through, making the espresso bitter.

Use Filtered Water

Water is a major component of your espresso, so using good quality water is essential. Tap water can contain impurities that affect the taste of your coffee. Use filtered water to ensure that your espresso tastes clean and fresh. The ideal water temperature for brewing espresso is between 195-205°F. If your machine allows you to control the temperature, aim for this range for the best results.

Keep Your Machine Clean

A clean espresso machine makes better coffee. Residue from old coffee can build up in your machine, affecting the taste of your espresso. Regularly clean your machine according to the manufacturer’s instructions. After each use, wipe down the portafilter and group head (the part where the water comes out). Once a week, perform a deep clean by running a cleaning solution through the machine. Keeping your machine clean will ensure that each cup of espresso tastes fresh and delicious.

Unique Tips and Tricks

Invest in Good Equipment

While you can make good espresso with basic equipment, investing in a high-quality machine can make the process much easier and the results better. A good espresso machine, a reliable burr grinder, and a sturdy tamper can significantly improve your espresso-making experience. I recommend investing in a respected brand and model that has been tested professionally like the Sanremo Zoe Competition because it’s simple to use and operate and well-built. A machine with 2 group heads like the Zoe Competition can make two espresso shots in 1-2 minutes which is perfect when making coffee for a colleague and you.

Use a Timer

Using a timer can help you perfect the brewing time of your espresso shots. Timing your shots ensures consistency and helps you achieve the ideal extraction. If your machine doesn’t have a built-in timer, use your phone or a kitchen timer to keep track.

Froth Milk Like a Pro

If you enjoy milk-based espresso drinks like lattes or cappuccinos, practice frothing milk to get the best texture. Use a thermometer to heat the milk to around 150°F. This temperature creates a smooth and velvety froth that complements the espresso perfectly. Pour the milk slowly and steadily to create beautiful latte art.

Maintain Consistency

One of the secrets to making great espresso is consistency. Stick to the same process each time you make espresso. This includes using the same amount of coffee, the same grind size, the same tamping pressure, and the same brewing time. Consistency helps you understand what works best and makes it easier to identify any changes that need to be made.

Taste and Adjust

Taste your espresso regularly and adjust your technique based on the results. If your espresso tastes too bitter, you might need to grind the coffee a bit coarser or reduce the brewing time. If it’s too sour, try grinding the coffee finer or increasing the brewing time. Your taste buds are the best guide to making adjustments.

Stay Patient and Persistent

Making espresso is an art that requires patience and practice. Don’t get discouraged if your first few attempts aren’t perfect. Keep practicing, experimenting, and learning. Over time, you’ll develop the skills and knowledge needed to make amazing espresso.

Explore Different Coffee Varieties

There are many different coffee varieties to explore, each with its own unique flavor profile. Try beans from different regions and roasters to find your favorite. You might discover that you prefer a specific type of coffee that you never would have tried otherwise.

Enjoy the Process

Finally, remember to enjoy the process. Making espresso should be a fun, rewarding and productive experience. Take your time, savor the aromas, and appreciate the craft. Whether you’re making a quick shot to get through a busy workday or experimenting with new recipes, enjoy every step of the journey.

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