Eco-Friendly Tips for Creating an Efficient Work and Study Environments


If you are a student or a remote worker there are effective actions you can take to be more eco-friendly. You can start with your work and study environment. Don’t underestimate the impact even small changes can make. The environment you study in will affect your focus, productivity, and overall sense of well-being. A clutter-free environment with plenty of natural lighting and plants is not only good for the planet but good for you too.

Go digital

As a student or remote worker you should attempt to go digital as far as possible. This will involve using cloud storage and online platforms. Apps help you to store your documents, access them, and share them. Technology can help you to be more eco-friendly. Online calendars, note-taking apps, etc. prevent paper wastage. An eco-friendly study space helps to promote effective learning because it is generally tidier, and more organized. 

You may find that you waste paper when writing essays which is an essential part of student life. Preparing outlines, rough drafts, notes, etc. result in much paper wastage. Using online resources for paper writing makes it easier for you to complete assignments without wasting paper. If you have to write an essay about your career goals, reading a career goal essay example will help you. Reading what’s written by expert writers can improve the quality of your own writing. You get valuable insight into the academic essay-writing process. This includes doing research to find reliable sources and creating an outline before writing a first draft.   

When looking for essay examples it is important to find a site that offers top quality essays. They only do this if they use professional writers with an academic background and experience. These writers understand the necessity for critical thinking and analysis in any essay they write. They understand how significant essay structure and organization are in getting across key points. You can learn from the way they structure their arguments and the evidence they provide to support them. 

If you can’t find the right examples and need some expert help from professional essay writers, you can reach out to them online.

Getting the help of an expert writer makes the whole process of essay writing less daunting and more rewarding experience. You learn the techniques and strategies that will make you a skilled essay writer. 

Save electricity

  • Ensure all your electronics and gadgets are energy-efficient. 
  • Make sure you turn off your computer and other devices when not in use. 
  • Use natural light where you can to reduce your lighting needs. Working near a sunlit window makes you more productive because of the effect it has on your circadian rhythms.
  • Replace traditional bulbs with energy-saving LED bulbs. They use about a fifth less energy and last longer.
  • A small adjustment to a thermostat reduces energy use.
  • Depending on where you live, you may be able to access solar or wind energy. 

Reduce waste  

Try to stop using plastic bags, cups, bottles, and containers. All those soft drink cans and take-out containers mount up. These are items you will use once and then throw away. If you replace these items with reusable ones, such as a reusable drinking bottle, you will generate less trash. Plastic pollution is skyrocketing so every small way in which you can reduce plastic waste will count. 

Find eco-friendly supplies

Browse zero-waste manufacturers to find eco-friendly supplies. Stationery supplies can be made out of recycled or biodegradable materials. Labels, stickers, and packaging should be compostable or recyclable. Buying eco-friendly glue, ink, and toner is less toxic for you and the environment. 

Choose the right technology

Digital tools can help to streamline your processes and prevent waste. They can also be expensive, especially if you buy technology with features you don’t really need or use. This is why it’s important to choose what suits your specific needs and its longevity. Student programs may have lists of recommended technology. Reading or listening to student reviews can be helpful. You must do some research and consider your storage space needs. The programs and software you use will influence your decisions. 

Buy second-hand  

Buying second-hand textbooks can save you money and encourage a circular economy. Universities often have ways for students to buy and sell second-hand textbooks Rather than throwing out your old textbooks, you can resell them so others can make use of them. You may even find groups on social media where you can buy and sell textbooks.  

Buying a second-hand laptop may help you to maximize the amount of storage you get for your money. In some cases, you may need the most up-to-date technology. If you don’t, buying second-hand technology can be viable. 

When organizing your work and study space for the first time, think about buying used furniture, organizers, shelves, etc. Reclaimed wood furniture gives new life to discarded materials. Reducing the demand for new products helps to decrease deforestation. Antique stores, thrift stores, and online platforms can help you to source used furniture. A coat of environment-friendly paint can quickly bring new life to an old item. 

Bring in some plants

Plants produce oxygen so they help to improve indoor air quality. Seeing some greenery has a calming effect. This can help to relieve your stress and improve your state of mind. You will need to consider factors like lighting and watering needs when choosing plants. If you have difficulty keeping plants alive, it’s best to go for low-maintenance varieties. Some of these include snake plants, pothos, and ZZ plants which don’t need too much watering. 


Making sustainable choices on a daily basis is a way for you to do your part towards preserving the planet. The above tips can help you to turn your work and study environment into an eco-friendly space. From the lighting you use to the furniture you buy, every decision you make can contribute towards a more eco-friendly space. You can not only reduce your carbon footprint but also create a clutter-free and visually appealing work and study environment.

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