Is Coworking the Solution to Childcare Work Issues?

considering childcare work issuesThe arrival of a new baby brings joy to the parents. However, it isn’t long before the family realizes that their focus on career and work has gone down. A recent report shows that nine in ten families with a new baby have at least one working parent. This means that one or both parents must continue working after the arrival of a new child and has the potential for childcare work issues.

Although remote working and freelancing have replaced the traditional 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. employment, the majority of people still have to go to work during the day. Most companies are yet to create kid-friendly workspaces. Similarly, daycares are nowhere to be found in most corporate environments. Parents soon discover that they spend very little time with their children because they have to go to work every day.

Some parents try to take new careers, reduce their working hours, or come up with a flexible working schedule as they raise their children. While this can increase the amount of time you spend with your child, you’ll still be facing several problems. So, is everything lost?

Enter Coworking Spaces

The first coworking space in the US was opened in 2005. Although coworking spaces did not sprout quickly, they have become very many across the country in the recent past. Here, you will find remote workers, freelancers, and professional teams sharing one office. Studies have proven that people working in co-working spaces have higher productivity levels than those working in traditional offices.

As the demand for coworking spaces increases, many coworking companies are creating new features. One of the most famous updates is the introduction of a child care unit within the coworking environment. The child care unit has various purposes and features. Many resemble the standard daycare models, while others are more like babysitting services or ‘after school’ style learning experiences that encourage skills like math, science and even coding. The entire idea is to enable parents to work as they know they have the care of their children.


If you find a coworking space that has childcare components, you can expect many benefits from that place. First, you will be working alongside people with similar challenges and opportunities. They, too, will be taking care of their children as they try to cater to clients and their careers.

Similarly, the coworking space comes with shorter commuting distances within the day. You don’t have to travel far during lunch breaks to see your children. You can just be working as your children play nearby.

Typical Hiccups

Unfortunately, not everything goes well in coworking spaces with childcare components. There are fluctuating rental prices, lack of appropriate locations, and incompatible childcare facilities. When somebody starts a childcare facility, they must satisfy many requirements.

For example, they must get the right license for the business and their employees. Similarly, there is a child-to-adult ratio that must be adhered to at all times. At the same time, if you want to take your child to work, you must get the appropriate license.

Places Where It Has Already Worked

Despite the existence of many challenges, some coworking spaces with childcare facilities have seen immense success in the last few years reducing childcare work issues. One of these companies is The Workaround. The Toronto-based company promotes a working environment where creators, artists, and parents can work together. Everybody is a parent with a dream to fulfil and children to take care of.

The main obstacle to establishing coworking spaces with childcare facilities is the lack of proper regulation. Authorities have placed tough ratios and facility requirements on daycare facilities.

Bottom Line

It is seems obvious that coworking is the future of the office. It balances the flexibility of working from home and the professionalism of going to an office. The introduction of childcare facilities at coworking spaces means parents of young children can continue their careers and work when their baby arrives and mitigate childcare work issues.

We can help you find a coworking space that meets your needs. Contact us today to learn more.