Category Archives: Agile Workplace

What To Know When Renting Office Space Following The Pandemic

Making decisions about renting office space is more challenging because of the impact of coronavirus or COVID-19 pandemic. Many people are asking how the current health situation affects office leasing and businesses at large. Is work-from-home the latest trend? Or will the new normal open more opportunities for commercial property owners?  In this article, you’ll… Read More »

10 Security Tips to Protect Your Company’s Data

Hackers and online criminals are working day and night to access our data. They look for vulnerabilities in our software, and also in us. People have had their identities stolen and sensitive information accessed. Even the US government is vulnerable as demonstrated with the most recent series of attacks on sensitive servers. When this happens… Read More »

4 Reasons to Use a SIP Trunk to Reduce Telecommunication Costs

The world, nowadays, is all connected through telecommunication services. Businesses, in particular, rely heavily on telecommunication tools to carry out daily tasks and get in touch with employees and possible clients. Traditional communication methods can be quite costly when startinga  business, which is why they are always on the lookout for cheaper options that offer… Read More »

3 Ways You Can Improve Customer Experience

Good customer experience is a vital ingredient in the success of any business. However, attaining this goal is not as easy as it sounds. There are many aspects to excellent customer experience that a business owner should look into it. So how do you improve customer experience? Here are some ways you can try out… Read More »

5 Strategies to Control Office Occupancy Costs

Running a business comes with high costs. The best way to know that you are doing enough is to make sure that you are earning more than what you are spending to make it work. One of the biggest expenditures that a business has is its occupancy cost since most offices have to pay rent… Read More »

Can your company benefit from an agile workplace?

Everything is evolving, fast paced and on the go. We are now in a generation that everything has changed, from “how” we work and even physical places “where” we work. One factor that affects staff’s productivity is the workplace. Development in technologies are helping and creating more smarter and more flexible techniques for workspaces. So,… Read More »

Creating A Great Workplace For A Multigenerational Workforce

Today’s office workplace is rapidly changing. Work is becoming more of what we do and less of where we are. What can you do to create a great workplace for your company? Here are several ideas that can help you. First off, one of the tools being used in this change is that of office… Read More »

What You Need to Know in Hiring Virtual Assistants

As a business owner, your prime objective is to make money. As the old adage goes, time is money, especially in business. Did you know that by attempting to perform every task related to the operation of your business yourself, it may be costing you up to 40% in lost revenue? According to statistics by… Read More »

Do You Have a Great Workplace for Employees?

Everyone wants a workplace that is wonderful but why is one workplace great while another is lacking? Is it the leased office space that makes a particular firm productive and profitable? Could it be the specific office furniture or location? None of these things alone make any workplace truly great. A great workplace is not… Read More »

3 Workplace Strategies That Will Boost Productivity And Morale

For some business owners, blending workplace productivity with morale can seem like something of a balancing act. But this doesn’t have to be the case when you employ workplace strategies that prioritize both. In this post, we will examine three key workplace strategies that will help you boost productivity and morale in the office. Set… Read More »

4 Reasons Why Your Company Should Invest in an Agile Office

The success of any 21st century business can be distilled down to three key factors: people, place, and technology. However, while many companies put a great deal of effort into hiring the best people and then equipping them with the latest tech, the environment in which they work usually receives less attention. Changing the design… Read More »

Does Remote Working Satisfy Employees or Alienate Them?

There has been a lot of debate over the years related to remote working by employees. Much of it has been centered around productivity form the business’ point of view. A recent survey by Coldwell Banker Commercial Affiliates on remote working comes at it from the employee point of view. It shows some interesting concerns.… Read More »

How to Create an Agile Workplace that Really Functions

To say that there is a backlash against the open office space, and the agile workplace setup, is putting it mildly. Disgruntled employees have been venting for years about noise, constant “visits” from co-workers, and interruptions. Has the embrace of the agile workplace been little more than the professional version of the 1960s hippie movement?… Read More »

Agile Office Space For Generation Z

Move over, Millennials, Generation Z is here, and its needs an agile office space. Termed Post-Millennials, Plurals or simply Gen Z, these workers were born in the late 1990s. What makes this generation tick and how can you customize a workplace to suit its future needs? An Extension of the Millennial Mindset (with economic improvements)… Read More »

4 Lessons You Can Learn from Microsoft’s Agile Workplace Experiment

What does it take to create an agile workplace? While office planning and design choices are at the top of the list, there is more to the collaborative work environment than aesthetics of office design. In fact, it is a mindset that translates into structural adaptations. Microsoft has set the pace for this revolutionary use… Read More »

Agile Workplace Strategies Appeal to Baby-Boomers and Millennials

Employing Baby-Boomers and Millennials in the same office can sound like a mighty challenge. Whereas one group is face-to-face interaction oriented, the other one likes to handle things remotely. Finding room designs that appeal to both demographics, and bring out their strengths, and keep them engaged can be as simple as adding a few agile… Read More »

Top 5 Office Space Leasing Tips to Maximize Work-Life Integration

In the past, the only notion of a home life that the employee would bring to work was a houseplant and a photo of the spouse. Back in those days, office space leasing tips were dominated with cost per square foot calculations and private office allocation. Yet today’s Millennials want nothing to do with this… Read More »