clean office

7 Tips for Keeping A Clean Office

A clean office environment increases productivity and promotes a healthier environment. For office managers, maintaining a pristine workplace fosters an atmosphere where employees can thrive. A clean office will reduce the spread of germs and improve the well-being of your employees. In this post, we’ll explore seven practical tips to help you keep your office clean and tidy.

Tip 1: Implement a Daily Cleaning Schedule

Implementing a daily cleaning schedule is one of the most effective ways to guarantee your office remains clean. By dividing these tasks, you’ll increase the likelihood your employees will keep the office clean without overwhelming them.

We recommend the following schedule:

  • Monday: Clean and disinfect all common areas, including conference and break rooms.
  • Tuesday: Have employees declutter and wipe down their desks.
  • Wednesday: Vacuum carpets and mop floors.
  • Thursday: Clean and sanitize restrooms.
  • Friday: Take out the trash and sweep.

Tip 2: Encourage Personal Responsibility

Creating a culture where employees are responsible for their workspaces will significantly contribute to the overall cleanliness of your office. Encouraging personal responsibility keeps the office cleaner and instills a sense of pride and accountability among employees.

Foster ownership by following these tips:

  • Provide Cleaning Supplies: Provide basic cleaning supplies like disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer for every desk.
  • Set Clear Expectations: Communicate the importance of maintaining a clean workplace and set clear employee guidelines.
  • Lead by Example: Keeping your own workspace tidy will set an example for employees.

Tip 3: Invest in Quality Cleaning Products

Purchase high-quality cleaning products to maintain a healthy workplace. Eco-friendly products are particularly beneficial as they reduce the exposure to harmful chemicals. Here are some tips:

  • Choose Non-Toxic Cleaners: Look for products that are safe for both employees and the environment.
  • Stock Up on Essentials: Have a steady supply of disinfectants, glass cleaners, and trash bags.
  • Educate Staff: Train your team on how to use these products correctly.

Tip 4: Organize Workspace

A well-organized office is easier to clean and more pleasant to work in. Here are some tips to help you organize your office:

  • Declutter: Encourage employees to keep only essential items on their desks.
  • Use Storage Solutions: Invest in filing cabinets, shelves, and desk organizers to maintain tidiness in the office.
  • Have Designated Areas: Have separate areas for printing, meetings, and eating to contain messes.

Tip 5: Regularly Clean High-Traffic Areas

High-traffic areas are breeding grounds for germs. Regularly cleaning high-traffic areas can significantly reduce illness spreading throughout the office. Focus on:

  • Entryways and Lobbies: Keep these areas clean to make a good first impression on visitors.
  • Restrooms: Clean and sanitize restrooms multiple times a day.
  • Break Rooms: Wipe down surfaces and appliances regularly to prevent the spread of germs.

Tip 6: Hire a Commercial Cleaning Service

While daily maintenance is helpful, there are times when a commercial cleaning company is necessary. Hiring professional commercial cleaning services offers numerous benefits:

  • Schedule Cleaning Service: You can schedule cleaning services as frequently or infrequently as needed (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly)
  • Be More Productive: Entrusting the cleanliness of your office to the professionals gives you more time to focus on your duties, simplifying your work.
  • Well Equipped: They are equipped with the necessary cleaning supplies and staff that know how to clean every surface.

Tip 7: Foster a Culture of Cleanliness

Creating a culture that values cleanliness will result in an always tidy office. Here are some tips:

  • Incentivize Cleanliness: Offer rewards or recognition for employees who maintain exceptionally clean workspaces.
  • Regular Reminders: Use emails, posters, and meetings to remind everyone about the importance of keeping the office clean.
  • Involve Everyone: Assign cleaning of communal areas to employees on a recurring schedule.

How A Clean Office Impacts Productivity

In the modern workplace, productivity is paramount. Whether you’re running a bustling office or working from home, the cleanliness of your workspace plays a significant role in your overall productivity. Your workspace can also significantly influence how employees perform, including their ability to concentrate, the number of sick days they take, their overall happiness, and morale.

Improves Concentration

A cluttered workspace can be incredibly distracting. Studies have shown that a clean and organized workspace can help improve concentration levels. When employees are not constantly distracted by piles of paper, scattered office supplies, or trash, they can focus better on the task at hand.

In contrast, a clean and organized workspace minimizes distractions. Employees can easily locate the materials they need, which helps them maintain their focus and streamline their workflow. This results in enhanced concentration, allowing employees to complete tasks more efficiently and accurately.

Reduces Sick Leave

A clean workspace isn’t just about tidiness; it’s also about hygiene. Shared surfaces like desks, keyboards, and doorknobs can harbor bacteria and viruses, making it easy for illnesses to spread among employees. Workspaces that are regularly cleaned and sanitized help reduce the spread of germs and illnesses, which, in turn, leads to fewer sick days. A study by the American Journal of Infection Control found that a cleaner workplace can reduce absenteeism due to illness by up to 46%.

Increases Employee Happiness

An organized workspace can significantly impact an employee’s mood and overall happiness. A clutter-free environment promotes a sense of calm and order, reducing stress and anxiety. Employees who feel good about their workspace are more likely to be satisfied with their job. This sense of satisfaction can lead to increased motivation and productivity. After all, a happy employee is a productive employee.

Boosts Morale

A clean and organized workspace reflects a company’s commitment to the well-being of its employees. When employers invest in maintaining a tidy environment, it signals to employees that their comfort and health are a priority. This can significantly boost morale. High morale is crucial for maintaining a positive workplace culture, which fosters collaboration, creativity, and higher productivity levels. Happy and motivated teams are far more likely to go above and beyond in their roles.


Maintaining a clean office environment will boost productivity, promote a healthier environment, and increase employee satisfaction. By implementing our office cleaning tips, you can make sure your office remains a welcoming and more productive workplace. Start implementing these tips today and see the positive impact on your office environment.

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