6 Types of Press Releases to Promote Your Business

Press Releases to Promote Your BusinessPress releases are a great way to inform your audience about your upcoming new product, merger, or event. What many business owners don’t know is that there are various types of press releases they can use for their benefit.

Press releases aren’t your typical news write-up. The main difference is that these types of releases aren’t written for the general public. Instead, they are written for news publications, journalists, and other people who publish the piece for you. That being said, it’s a good way to generate hype for your business.

As we’ve said, there are various types of press releases that you need to know. Here are some of the most important ones.

1. News Release

A news release is the most basic form of a press release. It’s often a piece that’s dedicated to informing the public about the general update regarding a business. It answers the basic questions of who, what, when, where, why, and how. It serves as the base of all press releases.

You’ve probably come around a new release at least once in your life. It’s supposed to be simple, direct to the point, and very serious. You can use a news release to promote various aspects of your business.

2. New Hire Press Release

This is a press release dedicated to highlighting the addition or the promotion of new personnel to the business. When writing one, it’s best to highlight the achievements and background of the new person so that people understand why they are a vital addition to the business.

Of course, it’s not always necessary to create a new hire press release. It’s often done when the people or person hired are very popular or if the new itself holds a lot of substance. However, don’t think that new hire press releases are devoted solely to new hires or promotions about a person that is held in high regard.

A good example of a new hire press release that doesn’t involve a famous person is if a company hires a group of individuals who are physically disadvantaged. It’s a type of press release like this that also gives the company some good reputation inside the community.

So long as the staff or management update is noteworthy, then it’s worthy of having a press release devoted to it.

3. eRelease

eRelease is one of the most current and most effective forms of press releases currently. Basically, eReleases are press releases that are distributed through three primary platforms. These are via email direct to journalists, through posts on websites, and then through online publications.

What makes it the most effective is that it offers the most reach out of all the types of press releases out there. Structure-wise, it’s similar to other press releases.

Due to its availability online, eReleases are very effective at getting the word around at something going on about a business. Another great thing about eRelease is that it’s very versatile. It can be used for product launches, business updates, and everything in between.

eReleases can be released on a publication’s online platform or even through their social media outlets. The reason it’s effective is that you can potentially reach out to hundreds if not thousands of people on social media. It’s a great way to generate engagement for small and big businesses.

4. Business Launch Press Release

If you are launching a new business, then the best way to let it be known to the general public is through this type of press release. It’s basically a press release that tells the public about everything in your business. This includes your history, the corporate structure, and of course, the products/services you offer.

Even the launch of a small business can benefit from this type of press release. Companies usually launch this kind of press release alongside the launch of a new website or a social media page devoted to the upcoming business.

Every up-and-coming entrepreneur should understand how difficult it is to dive into an industry that’s already saturated with fierce competition. Launching a business without the right press release accompanying it often results in a slow start for the business.

5. Awards Press Release

This is one type of press release that can benefit your business by a long mile. It basically highlights the accomplishments you’ve made. Aside from giving your business credibility, it also gives the readers an insight into how formidable your business is among the competition.

Whether big or small, awards and recognitions are always worth the press release. People often think that only major awards deserve a new release. In reality, all awards deserve recognition. It’s an achievement for your business after all.

Awards releases are best launched after the business gets the award so that people are able to see it immediately.

6. Product Launch Press Release

As the name suggests, this is a press release about a new product of a company. In press releases like these, it’s best to highlight all of the key features of the new product or services. These are released usually before and after the product in question launches.

It’s used by both big and small businesses simply because of how it can provide interest in a product that’s yet to be tested by the general public. Product launches are often problematic especially if the business is relatively new. As such, product launch press releases are helpful in generating that needed hype.

Product launch releases are usually accompanied by other forms of media such as photos, videos, and more. In some cases, they are also introduced alongside limited-time offers and even contests – all of which are related to the upcoming product.

Press releases are a cheap but effective way to promote your business. A lot of business owners can benefit from it whether they are big or small. With the right writing and the right platform, a press release can help generate a ton of hype for your business without having to burn a hole through your budget.

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