10 Proven Techniques Your VA Can Use to Generate Real Estate Leads

Generating real estate leads is what makes or breaks your enterprise. After all, the real estate industry is quite similar to the retail industry, with a massive difference in the average order value and the fact that there are fewer leads (on average). This is why you have to make every lead count. 

Hiring virtual assistants to aid you in generating real estate leads is, generally, a great strategy. Here are some strategies that they may use to become even more effective.

1. Picking the best schedule for social media posts

In real estate, social media is one of the key platforms for driving sales. In the real estate industry, platforms like Pinterest and LinkedIn are disproportionately effective in this regard. The problem is that if your VA understands the best times to post on social media for optimal engagement, they can seriously drive your sales up. 

Sure, you can automate social media posts, but you also have to prepare them and make sure that the posting is scheduled right. Just remember that if you have an international audience, you also need to account for time-zone differences, making this task even more difficult. 

2. Professional networking

No matter how sophisticated chatbots get, people will always be able to tell a difference. When it comes to a potential buyer, whether or not there’s a real person on the other end of the line makes a bigger difference than you know. This is why you want to invest more thought into professional networking.

Hiring the right person as a VA and instructing them on some of the basic principles of networking will make a world of difference. This is what can increase your sales by a huge margin. 

3. Expanding your listings

A professional real estate VA is someone who understands what the customers are looking for and goes out of their way to provide it. For instance, instead of just listing the cost and characteristics of the property, they’ll also know what kind of amenities a potential customer is looking for. Real estate virtual assistants can streamline operations by managing client communications, scheduling viewings, and handling administrative tasks efficiently.

For instance, they could not only calculate the total cost of buying a property (which is something the majority of realtors won’t do), but they’ll also calculate the monthly expenses and annual costs of maintenance. This way, you’ll give your buyers more than anyone else, all on the backs of the work done by your VAs. 

4. Updating contact details

There are always new properties, and the market shifts constantly. A property that is not sold in a matter of weeks or months will change its price to match the market demand, which means it has to be updated; otherwise, you risk a significant problem. 

The same goes for not listing new properties on your site immediately and losing out on potential leads this way. Sure, you can automate a part of this process, but someone (VA) still has to initiate the update. 

5. Handling email marketing

While email marketing is mostly automated, it still requires human specialists to achieve the desired effect. Combined with the modern AI-based chatbots and NLP, the level of customization and personalization that you can get through email marketing is unparalleled.

At the same time, you need a human operator to supervise it. An email marketing specialist can manually send and customize several hundred emails every day (with a good template). With an automation tool, a single VA can send as many as several hundred thousand.  

6. Content creation and curation

Every real estate business needs a good content creation process. After all, having a blog is one of the key parts of lead generation and so is having a social media marketing strategy. Both of these digital marketing methods require quality content.

Now, with the help of generative AI, you can create content easily and even if you decide to have humans write (or edit) content, the process will be a lot simpler. A good VA can make this process of content creation and curation completely seamless. 

7. Obtaining online reviews

Reviews can make or break your business. In fact, when we say that potential leads are researching you, it’s important to mention that it usually comes down to reading reviews. Now, the problem with reviews is that not everyone who appreciates you or has a positive opinion of you will leave a review.

You need someone to actively reach out to your previous clients and ask them to make a review. This sort of outreach, regardless of whether it’s via email, direct messages, or SMS, can have great results. Once you have social proof, your brand becomes significantly stronger. 

8. SEO-related tasks

While SEO is a task that’s always best left to professionals, there’s quite a bit that even a VA can do to help you rank slightly better. With the right tool and some basic training, a VA should be able to do basic keyword research.

A VA can also help research your competition (in the same way they research other properties and listings) in order to identify new market topics and trends. Overall, while DIY SEO is never as good as professional SEO done by a specialized agency, it’s better than nothing. When the question is DIY SEO or no SEO, the answer is always the former. 

9. Cost-per-conversion analysis for your ads

Advertising online can be incredibly effective; however, is it cost-effective? This is a question that’s not as easy to answer. With the help of a skilled VA armed with all the necessary accounting and marketing tools, you’ll be able to get a more accurate cost-per-conversion analysis for your ads.

This means that you have an easier time handling cost control, as well as a better way to find the most financially viable plan for your future marketing projects and campaigns. This takes time and finesse, but if you have a skilled VA on your side, they can continuously track the movement of costs. 

10. Researching ways to deal with prospect objections

One of the biggest challenges of real estate marketing is prospect objection. People in real estate often hesitate, and a lot of it is due to the average value of the purchase. After all, real estate is expensive, so people won’t buy it lightly.

Having someone to do diagnostics and figure out what causes their objections, what causes concern, and what prolongs their decision-making process the most. This is always important, regardless if they’re looking to buy a residential home or searching for an office with the right design.

Wrap up

With the right approach, your VAs can drastically increase your lead generation and your average revenue. This means that spending more on VAs and making an extra effort to hire more people is worth it.

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