New Executive Suites Located in Morris County NJ (Parsippany, NJ)
Our Parsippany office space offers more than 40 offices, cubicles for shared office space, four conference rooms, and a training center. You will have access to a friendly and professional staff to greet your clients and a comfortable lobby for your guests to wait for you. You’ll also have the same family atmosphere that exists in Montville, with spur of the moment gatherings, access to the kitchen for coffee, tea, or a chat with an office neighbor, and friendly visits from management to make you feel comfortable.
Office Markets Served
NJ - Parsippany, NJ - Morristown, NJ - North Jersey
Office Rental Terms Available Virtual, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly
Dress Code Business Casual (jeans OK)
Conference Rooms Small conference room (less than 8 people), Medium conference Room (9-16 People), Large Conference Room (17+ People), Whiteboard
Kitchen and Food Amenities Kitchen, Microwave, Refrigerator, Chilled Water, Hot Water, Coffee, Snacks
Business Amenities Available Wireless Internet, Copier, Scanner, Secretarial Support Service
Site Logistics Elevator, Handicap Access
Office Building information Type of Office Building: Class A Lowrise (under 5 stories) We occupy 15000 square feet of office space in the office building