Professionally furnished office Space in Beverly Hills (Beverly Hills, CA)
Your Source for Virtual Offices in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles ...Your business can have a presence as a virtual office in Beverly Hills for as little as $75 per month or you can rent private offices and conference rooms for as little as $20 per hour.
Imagine how much more impressive your business would look if it had a Beverly Hills address. It would be instantly associated with Tiffany, with Armani, with class, stability, and other vibrant companies such as your own. Such a fashionable address would impress your clients and customers and would show them a recognizable and inspiring address that would make them eager to do business with you.
We can provide mail receiving and forwarding services with a Beverly Hills, 90210 mailing address that stores your incoming mail and packages privately and securely until you or someone you designate picks it up, or, if you prefer, any mail received at our location can be forwarded to you for a modest additional charge.
Office Markets Served
CA - Beverly Hills
Office Rental Terms Available Virtual, Hourly, Daily
Dress Code Business Casual (no jeans)
Conference Rooms Small conference room (less than 8 people)
Business Amenities Available Wireless Internet, Copier, Scanner, Office Supplies, Secretarial Support Service
Site Logistics Elevator, Handicap Access
Office Building information Type of Office Building: Class A Midrise (5-19 stories)