Riverfront Mankato office space available now - zip 56001 (Mankato, MN)

Riverfront Mankato office space available now - zip 56001
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100 Warren Street is Our Office Space in the up-and-coming area of downtown Mankato, MN. Located in a state-of-the-art building, this business center is part of an all-in-one complex with office space, living amenities and entertainment. This building’s centralized location makes it easy to enjoy Mankato’s vibrant nightlife. In walking distance is the Verizon Wireless Center, dining and bars, and hotels. With luxury apartments connected to the building, you can live where you work. Full-time offices are tech-ready with all you need to handle your business. You can have a prestigious Mankato business address with our virtual office services. Leasing office space at this center makes it easy to do your best work.

Office Markets Served
MN - Mankato

Office Rental Terms Available
Virtual, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly

Dress Code
Business Casual (jeans OK)

Conference Rooms
Small conference room (less than 8 people), Medium conference Room (9-16 People), Overhead Projector, Video Conferencing, Whiteboard

Kitchen and Food Amenities
Kitchen, Microwave, Refrigerator, Chilled Water, Hot Water, Coffee

Business Amenities Available
Wireless Internet, Copier, Scanner

Site Logistics
Elevator, Handicap Access

Office Building information
We occupy 10,500 square feet of office space in the office building

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